This harbour view was also taken in 1905
Now does this sound like something I would have known? No, Alan Taylor told me!
Bottom left shows the swing bridge.
You probably saw a similar one to this picture on the ferry page.
The year was 1903, and that the railway company's repair jetty was in place. I wonder what that ship in the foreground was used for? It doesn't look the type to cross the channel, maybe it just went around the coast.
This 1920 view of the harbour was taken from St. Peter's Church up on the Durlocks.
You can see that the tide is almost out. Can I show my ignorance and ask what keeps a large boat like the one in the foreground from tipping over when the tide goes out? Is it purely the ropes which tie it to the dock?
Thanks Colin, they are beautiful photos!
The inner harbour again, showing the swing bridge in 1913.
I was wrong again, Alan said it was exactly the type to cross the channel, and would take cargo to and from Boulogne.
Here we have a double header on the swing bridge.
Folkestone Harbour in the 1930's
Even in 1932, they were still calling this area Folkestone's Old Town judging by the size of the jib (right word?), I would say that was a pretty large ship that everyone was looking at wouldn't you?
This is how it all looked in 1910
The inner harbour again dating this time from 1911. The Shangri La towers over everything else doesn't it? Still there, and now a block of flats. In the distance, you can see the viaduct.
the swing bridge
That is amazing Dave, thank you so much for sharing it with us.
If you would like to see more of Dave's photos of Folkestone now, check out his website at:
I had this story in mind when I made my jaunt down to the harbour, and the next two photos are especially for Dave's Dad!
This page updated May 21, 2015