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104) Penny Ansell  Female
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Friday, 20 May 2016 11:18

Has any one any pictures of the Marina Rock pool.I was bought up in Folkestone and used to go there all the time. I know it was demolished in 1966

Christine - website owner Friday, 20 May 2016 16:50
Hi Penny, do you mean the Marina Indoor Swimming Pool? I have never heard of it being called the Marina Rock Pool. Only other name it has had as far as I know, is The Bathing Establishment - this was in Edwardian times. You will find it on several of the cards on this page: []

penny ansell Saturday, 21 May 2016 11:59
Thanks for the reply Christine .. Yes I do mean the indoor one but we used to call it the rock pool because of its look. I swam in it every day It had another pool under the dance floor I think to. It was photo's of the inside that I was interested in seeing. But I will have another look at the cards.Thankyou any way I love your site by the way.

ian murton Saturday, 21 May 2016 15:01
Hi Penny it was certainly called the Marina Rock pool, and was run by Sam Rockett and his wife, as a member of the swimming club many happy nights spent there.

Christine- site owner Saturday, 21 May 2016 16:59
Well I have learned something new today! I don't have any photos of the inside, so if anyone reading this has any, I would love to receive a scan to add to the page please.

penny ansell Sunday, 22 May 2016 09:06
Hi Ian, We must have been members of the same club then. I was coached by a chap from Dover but can not remember his name
I would have gone there right up until it was closed. A very sad day. I knew Sam Rocket and his son, Jerry and I were friends. I am 68 now how about you? Best wishes Penny

Barry Taylor Tuesday, 24 May 2016 16:14
Hi all
Certainly remember the Rock Pool. I was a pupil at St. Eanswythes mid 50s, we used to swim there in the months when the outdoor pool was closed. Never forget the smell of chlorine! I remember Sam, an I think I went to school either at primary or Harvey with Jerry. Also now 68, memory is slightly hazy! (Kiwi since 1971)

Barry Allsworth Monday, 15 August 2016 16:37
Many memories as a family in the 50's of using the 'Indoor Pool' as we called it.
Sam Rocket was a Channel swimmer who was a friend of my father and let him use it himself for training. Being about 25 metres long must have been tedious for long distance training.

Hillside Sec Mod also used it for swimming lessons and I also remember using it for winter repairs to Folkestone Yacht Club boats.

Jerry Rockett was one of the founders of the Redoubt Sailing Club in Hythe and he became World Champion in Solo class yacht.

ricky flood Tuesday, 5 February 2019 05:32
ricky flood we used to train in the rock pool for water polo by bill Floyd police officer we were allowed to use it by sam rocket after public hours we would collect key from his hotel just down the road got into trouble several times for breaking viewing glass several times rick flood doug pilcher alan barnet colin pilcher peter Hand#@*%! micky rickwood several others best team in south east Folkestone swimming club as apposed to pool club jim roland used it for sub aqua

ricky flood Tuesday, 5 February 2019 05:35
ricky flood we used to train in the rock pool for water polo by bill Floyd police officer we were allowed to use it by sam rocket after public hours we would collect key from his hotel just down the road got into trouble several times for breaking viewing glass several times rick flood doug pilcher alan barnet colin pilcher peter Hand#@*%! micky rickwood several others best team in south east Folkestone swimming club as apposed to pool club jim roland used it for sub aqua

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