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108) Janine  Female
Dorking Surrey
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Thursday, 7 July 2016 16:27

I discovered your site by sheer luck, I was searching for an incident in Cheriton in which my uncle, my auntie and an unknown little girl found and played with an unexploded bomb during WW2. I think it would have happen in Somerset Road. Sadly I understand the little girl was killed and my auntie had serious injuries. My uncle was luckier and was ok. My mother, a Kirkham, was born in 1920 in the hospital on Military Hill growing up in Cheriton, the family moving from Stanley Rd to Somerset Rd to Ashley Ave. She was one of eight children. My parents met when my father was stationed at Shorncliffe in 1938. My grandmother finally settled in Cheriton High Street, a few doors up from a little food shop run by sisters, known I think as Spelzines. It was by the pedestrian bridge over the railway. Cheriton was my second home and I have so many happy memories of spending time with my Nana. Going shopping with her being just one...... now who remembers the massive bunch of bananas that hung in the greengrocers near the junction with Risborough Ln. Happy days.

Mark Hourahane Monday, 18 July 2016 08:50
Hi Janine,

I have information and articles on this incident as the little girl's step-sister has been on this very board asking! Sadly, we haven't been able to get in contact with her as yet.

The boy who had the mortar, David Wise, lost a foot. Kathleen Patricia Donoghue died. It did not happen in Somerset Road - Kathleen lived there but went to play in Ashley Avenue.

If you would like to get in touch with Christine (her e-mail is on the homepage), she can put us in touch.

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