192) |
Christopher Ashdown  |
Location: 1 Water Meadow Close |
 Monday, 22 April 2019 08:08
Hi all
Used to live in Radno Park Cresent with family and sister pam , had good friends at number 30 Colin smith and hos sister Pat
I used to investigate the martello towers as a boy especially the one at the top of the warren and also at end of leas, both I guess death traps and borded up but fun for a 14 year old, Remember the warren being fenced off as a large minefield for a long time
Went to St Eansworth school then Hillside school first at dover road then at Park farm rd forms 2a1, 3a1, 4a1 etc
Remember theold ship Deal which just did freight cargo and bearthed in the fishing boat harbour and dried out at low tide, Had a friend Stan Gale who's dad was a fisherman i think owned FE5, most of the fishing boats were converted sailing trawlers with just a wing engine pocking out on one side, then a brand new boat FE20 and a open boat called Gleamer
Now moved to just outside Great Yarmouth, but lost touch with all when i joined the navy in 1962
John Gale Sunday, 12 January 2020 12:42
Hello, I remember Christopher well, although he has got my name wrong John not Stan, he's right about FE 5 "Happy Return did belong to my father Billy Gale, I went to sea in her. As for the Gleaner FE 76 owned by Alfie Waller I started my fishing career in her with Dave(Lergy)Milton as Skipper
John Gale
Christopher Ashdown Sunday, 29 March 2020 07:14
Nice to hear from you again John, I now live just outside Great Yarmouth, spent most of my life at sea, royal navy then oilfield, and finally a workwear shop online
Was the Happy retun one of those converted with a wing engine, i seem to remember many were. Its sad to se the pictures now with the harbour empty of fishing boats, guess we are both enjoying retirement now
John Gale Saturday, 5 December 2020 15:12
Good evening Christopher
Sorry I have been so long getting back to you.Yes Happy Return FE.5 did initially she did have a wing, then an Atlantic engine, but she had an Ailsa Craig 4 cylinder 46 h.p. Diesel fitted in 1959, When I left school I first went to sea in Gleaner FE.76 the open boat owned by Alfie Waller and skippered by Dave( Lergy ) Milton. I then went in the Mary Mayne FE.73 Fergy Noble owned and skippered her, after that I joined the Fair Chance FE.20 before crewing with my dad Billy (Moses ) Gale,when he bought the Silver Wings FE.185 from the film director Don Chaffey, I skippered her, I later came ashore to run Folkestone Trawlers. The Happy Return is still afloat, and fully restored as a sailing lugger 116 years after being launched, I now help run the Folkestone Fishing museum, unfortunately because of the dreaded covid we have not been able to open, but in the meantime we have written a fully illustrated hard back limited edition book on the history of the Folkestone fishing industry.
All the best and keep safe
John G
Emily Blacklock Tuesday, 28 December 2021 08:04
John Gale,
My name is Emily. I am currently trying to find information on the Mary Mayne which belonged to my great great uncle. If you could, please reach out. I fish out of Nova Scotia, Canada.
Thank you in advance,
Emily Blacklock Tuesday, 28 December 2021 11:00
John Gale,
My name is Emily. I am currently trying to find information on the Mary Mayne which belonged to my great great uncle. If you could, please reach out. I fish out of Nova Scotia, Canada.
Thank you in advance,
Emily Blacklock Tuesday, 28 December 2021 18:19
John Gale,
My name is Emily. I am currently trying to find information on the Mary Mayne which belonged to my great great uncle. If you could, please reach out. I fish out of Nova Scotia, Canada.
Thank you in advance,