Folkestone Memories

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201) steve mac  Male
athelstan road
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Saturday, 9 November 2019 10:46

Hi does anybody know if Noel Redding lived in Folkestone? I was told he lived in Foord Rd in the 1960's.I know about Seabrook but not Folkestone... thanks Steve.

Paul Seward Friday, 20 December 2019 11:03
If you know about Seabrook you may be interested to know that, staying in a pub in Oxfordshire the other week we met his fiancee Jill (then aged 17 and before he found fame). She even had a pic on her phone of the two of them on the RHDR.

graham cann Friday, 7 February 2020 11:50
yes he did.i lived in beachborough road

Richard Wallace Saturday, 18 April 2020 07:16
He went to the Harvey Grammar School in the early 60s. When he found fame I think he later bought his mum a café at Dymchurch as I can remember him drinking in the City of London pub there once or twice when he was down in the village(circa 1969/70).

Peter White Tuesday, 3 November 2020 17:40
Noel's first gig was in the Hythe Youth Club in the Church House in St Leonards Road. At that time he was lead guitar with his band The Lonely Ones. He also played in the Institute in Prospect Road

Pamela wren Wednesday, 3 March 2021 02:10
I used to go to Noels bedroom with my friend in the 60s in seabrook and Noel would play his guitar for us

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