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212) Richard Wallace  Male
Kenilworth Warwickshire
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Friday, 17 April 2020 08:57

Interesting selection of photos of 'old' Hythe. We lived in St Nicholas Terrace and then Palmbeach Avenue at Palmarsh. A couple of points - the first photo of the partially collapsed tower on the ranges has answered a question I have posted on the Dymchurch Martello tower site. The two towers remaining once had A & D painted on their side (these were numbered 14 and 15) but these have long gone and no-one has any recollection of the letters. Your picture confirms the letters as you can see 'E' on the side. I think this was tower 19 which has now collapsed as you can see in the other photo. It does pose the question - why the gap between A and D? There were no other intermediate towers. Grove House is interesting as at one time one of the joint owners of Dymchurch fair lived there - one Ken Marks. His brother, Robin, lived somewhere off Twiss Road. As for the donkeys pictured on the beach these were kept in stables in Prospect Road and run by a Miss Twyman. I see you also went to Tofts! I have some tickets somewhere from gigs I went to in the 60s!

Peter White Tuesday, 3 November 2020 17:35
Miss Twyman ran a horse riding school in Prospect Road. The donkeys were owned by Joe Keeler aka Donkey Keeler who kept them up Blackhouse Hill at a smallholding opposite Cliff Road. He would lead the donkeys tied together in single file down to the area on the seafront at the top of Stade Street then walk them back at the end of the day.

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