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213) Richard Wallace  Male
Kenilworth, Warwickshire
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36 Edge/18.18363
Friday, 17 April 2020 11:21

A few more snippets, this time for your transport page. On about the 14th row of photos the picture at Seabrook of the EK depot looks to be when it was new (1931) - it was built on the site of the old 'Sandgate' station on the branch to Sandling. It was never used as an alternate to the new Bus Station as it was only a garage, mainly for coaches but for some buses up to the mid-50s. The reason for buses using the square was because they had to move up from the pre-war terminal for country services which was at the harbour up till then, moving up due to threat of bombing/shelling. Buses would never be stabled there overnight - there was a large garage at Kent Road, Cheriton established from 1916. I can locate the date of the photo on the right even closer. The bus came to Folkestone (from Dover) in May 1962 and the Shorncliffe service was revised in June 1966 and would no longer stop where pictured. On the next row the phot on the far right is near certain to be at Herne Bay garage as this was the only depot to use 'Garage Only' display. Lastly, the centre photo of FFN 446 is owned by a friend of mine and is still active and I was driving it only just over a year ago! I may have also worked with your former husband as I was a conductor at Folkestone many moons ago. Small world! Hope this info helps

Richard Wallace Saturday, 18 April 2020 10:33
I must apologies after further research I have now confirmed that the photo I thought was at Herne Bay was at ASHFORD! Sorry, they also used the 'garage only' display.
Finally the photo of your former husband driving EFN 179 (a 1950 Guy bus) was taken between June 1964 (when it arrived at Folkestone) and June 1966 when the service changed.

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