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239) Dawn iRENE Jackson  Female
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Wednesday, 19 May 2021 09:03

My Great Great Grandmother,Emily Britcher, lived at the Toll House Lower Sandgate Road and was the tollhouse keeper from 1881 -1901 (and possibly until her death in 1905 when 65) She lived there as a widow and with oldest daughter

Christine, site owner Wednesday, 19 May 2021 09:42
How lovely Dawn. The house of course is still there, but is now a private residence. Your Great Great Grandmother must have had to collect the tolls from mainly horses and carts or carriages. I can remember when they collected from cars, who else remembers that?

Paul Seward Thursday, 20 May 2021 12:55
Need you ask, Christine? Once a year the road was closed to prevent it becoming as public r
ight of way. Lord Radnor was a keen motorist and the Sunbeam Talbot Motor Club held annual speed trials down there. It made for good viewing at the bottom of the Zig Zag path, where there was a terrific bump in the road!

Christine, site owner Friday, 21 May 2021 11:37
Ha ha, now we are both showing our age Paul. I didn’t catch the speed trials though. I think I once saw a price list of tolls, and it had a different price if you just had a motorcycle versus one with a sidecar. I don’t think you had to pay on a push bike though did you?

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