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241) Shalon Hoyle  Female
Iowa, USA
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36
Sunday, 4 July 2021 18:43

I am looking for information on the Folkestone Church Refuge. It is listed as Glenburn, Quested Road, Cheriton, Folkestone. It was an 8 room house that was ran by a Superintendent, assistant and matron. The residents were listed as servants, but also inmates. My great aunt lived there in 1911. I have contacted the Kent Archives and they have no information on the home. Any information is greatly appreciated!

Christine - site owner Tuesday, 6 July 2021 22:18
Hello Shalon,

 I have checked through all the directories I have, but have had no luck finding the Folkestone Church Refuge.  The earliest directory I own that has a street directory is 1928, but for some unknown reason Quested Road is missing from it.

Earlier ones I checked were 1882, 1907 and 1927, but none had a street directory.  I checked out the lists of institutions, clubs, churches, hospitals and dispensaries, but could not find a listing.  I also checked the alphabetical listings of residents, as it also listed some businesses and organisations, but again, nothing.  The next directory I have is 1949, and this does list Quested Road, but all addresses are numbered, none were called Glenburn.

So I am afraid I have drawn a complete blank.  I am assuming you found the information you have on the 1911 census, so not much point in me looking at that for you.

I am sorry I can’t be of more help.  You could try the Folkestone & District Local History Society, they may be able to help you.

Shalon Hoyle Wednesday, 7 July 2021 08:54
I did get the information from the 1911 Census. Thank you so much for your effort!

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