Folkestone Memories

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245) Clive Griffiths 
Near Vancouver, B.C. Canada
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.1.2 Safari/605.1.15
Tuesday, 24 August 2021 00:03

I am writing from the West Coast of Canada ( near Vancouver). I was born and raised in Chatham, Kent with grandparents and aunts from the Elham area .. family name Kennett. I have fond memories of visiting an aunt who lived at East Cliff Rd. .. up the hill from the Fish Market and Harbour. She ran a B &B during the season and I would go off on my own (age of 7 then)down to the beach, market, harbour for the day until teatime 6PM. !!

I can expand on this message if it is of interest to current Folkestone Folk ... I stumbled on your site while researching family ties in the area of 46 Sidney Street and surrounding villages inland from Folkestone.

I find it a most entertaining site and the photos kindle many recollections of fun times.

Stay safe and well, sincerely Clive Griffiths.

Christine - site owner Tuesday, 24 August 2021 00:22
Hi Clive, I personally don’t know of an East Cliff Road, there is just East Cliff that runs from the Tram Road, or East Cliff Gardens that runs from Radnor Bridge Road to Wear Bay Road.

You may already know this, but for many years, all births, deaths and marriage records were held at Elham. So even though the index sheets indicated a person was born, married or died there, it could have been anywhere in the surrounding district, including Folkestone. Baptism, Birth or Death certificates are a better record of where they actually lived.

So glad my site brought back so many fond memories for you. Thank you for sharing with us.

Christine Tuesday, 24 August 2021 00:42
By the way, I have a 1948 Kelly’s Directory, and at that time there was a Mrs, Highton living at 46 Sidney Street, would that have been a relative of yours?

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