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247) Gabor Balint  Male
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/94.0.4606.61 Safari/537.36
Monday, 27 September 2021 13:14

Hi, I am looking for bequests and heirs of Austen Hurgon, died 1942 Folkestone.

Can you help me please ?
I am looking for the next Emmerich Kalman lost werk :
The Blue House. Musical „Laundriette“(A Farcical Musical Comedy) in 1 act, Text: Austen Hurgon

Uraufführung: Hippodrome (Edward Moss & Frank Allen), London, 28. Oktober 1912 – Conductor: Julian Jones, Director: J. Galbraith, Production: Austen Hurgon, Stage: Ryan, K: Lucile & Jays, Singers: Bert Coote (The Hon. Chippendale St. Arch, Proprietor), Cyril Clensy (Major Claude E. Starkey), Elsa Trepess (Lady Anastasia Dilling), Gerald O‘ Brien (O‘ Connor, Linkman), Shirley Kellogg (Cornelia Van Huyt of U.S.A.), Hippodrome Beauty Chorus of 40, The 12 Pinafored Babies, Augmented Orchestra of 45 Instrumentalists

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Autographe: Verschollen

I would be very grateful for all useful information.

Thank you very much.

Best regards

Gabor Balint

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