Folkestone Memories

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268) Susan Browne 
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
Tuesday, 8 August 2023 19:54

Cont. from above...
Another time, when living at Dover, and I think I was about 11, I went
with a friend on the bus to the seawater swimming pool in Folkestone.
I can't remember if we swam, but I was never allowed to go in the
Rotunda Amusement Arcade so we thought we would. I remember going
in the over 18 "What the butler Saw" section which had flippy postcards
of ladies getting undressed. I didn't get the over 18 bit as I saw my
mother dressing and undressing all the time! We went on the penny
machines, meaning to not touch our bus fare home, but inevitably we did.
I like to think my friend was the one who ate into her fare first then
we kept trying to get it back but lost the lot in the end. We had to walk
all the way back to Dover, in our sandals. Luckily we were not bothered
by any "offers of lifts". Then a little visit to watch aniseed twist
being made in Andy Amos's and home. I didn't tell my parents about that
adventure for many years!

Thank you for this opportunity for sharing these memories. If anyone
remembers Miss Gregory and knows whether she kept the Robin
School going, I would love to know. I had a happy time there.

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