Folkestone Memories

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273) John Perrott  Male
Maldon Essex
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
Thursday, 25 January 2024 16:53

Hi - stumbled across you great site when I was searching for photographs of Folkestone Warren. My family lived in Wear Bay road from about 1949 to the early 60's. That was before any of the houses and the Phizer factory was built and the road was only roughly surfaced - whereas Stanbury Crescent was just shingle surface. I was at St Eanswythe's school in the town until 1951 when I went to the Harvey. The head at the primary school was a Mr. Williams who was probably one of the most brilliant teachers I've ever met! So a belated (very) thank you to him. My whole childhood was spent playing in and around the Warren - long before it became a caravan site. Finding fossils at Copt Point, scrambling up the chalk cliffs - how we didn't kill ourselves I don't know! I was a bit of a bird-watcher in my teens, and I can remember counting 11 nightingales singing in the Warren one April in about 1953.
My summer job when I was at college was as a deckchair attendant on the Leas - military band every afternoon and most evenings, and the whole of the grass area on the Leas would have been littered with deck chairs. Moved away from the town about 60 years ago - but still visit occasionally when we're down that what. Miss the cross channel ships but what they have done to the old harbour arm looks promising! Memories!

Chas Ruler Tuesday, 12 March 2024 12:34
We're the Hughes family working the deck chairs at that time, father and 2 sons?

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