Folkestone Memories

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54) Liz Riddalls  Female
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Friday, 10 October 2014 21:33

What a great website, and what a lot of fond memories it stirs. Like you I was raised in Cheriton (Biggins Wood Road), went to Harcourt Secondary, and now live in Canada. I can't even calculate how many times as a kid I explored the woods, fields and hills behind our house. The vacant ground, brick kiln and quarry were particularly exciting places to play long as Mum didn't find out! Now of course, the whole area is beneath the Eurotunnel workings.

Thanks for the extraordinary amount of work it must have taken to compile the content of this wonderful trip down memory lane.

Christine (site owner) Saturday, 11 October 2014 01:32
Thank you Liz, it's very kind of you to say.

Which years were you at Harcourt? I left in 1959.

Liz Saturday, 11 October 2014 03:24
I was at Harcourt from 1962 -1968
It was Miss Main the geography teacher in one of the prefab buildings there, who inspired my determination to come to Canada. Her sister lived in BC and there were piles of Beautiful BC magazines in the classroom...I've been here now since 1972

Christine (site owner) Saturday, 25 October 2014 01:45
Miss Main was there at the same time I was too, but I remember Miss Blainey the most. We had her for English. Of course Miss Ashdown was headmistress. I too now live in Canada, in Winnipeg.

ricky flood Tuesday, 28 April 2015 11:23
do you remember Helen flood im her brother

JAYNE L WATSON Saturday, 11 March 2017 15:15
Hi Ricky
I remember Helen, she was in my class,Mrs Laming was our teacher.

Linda Rose Monday, 22 January 2018 11:43
I went to Harcourt too.

Miss Ashworth was headmistress. Miss King was our teacher, then Mr. Norman. I remember Miss Maine, Miss Laming, Miss Washer (I still LOVE gardening).

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