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55) Courtney  Female
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)
Monday, 8 December 2014 08:27

(55) I believe the crumbling Martello tower you have towards the bottom of the Hythe Page may in fact be Martello number 17, as the more recent tower you have displayed underneath is in fact martello tower 19, which is seen in the photo I have posted still standing. I'm not sure when the photo was taken though however :) Great page though, it's helping me alot with my photography research!

Courtney Wednesday, 14 January 2015 03:59
Just an update after doing some more research:

A report from the Times Newspaper in 1899 reads that "the tower near the redoubt at Dymchurch been split into 2 by the action of the sea sucking away the shingle from the base". Remains of tower 17 and adjacent tower 16 were visible into the 1970's event though they started to collapse in 1899 and the Autumn of 1938. Between towers 18 and 19 used to also stand a 6 gun battery fort known as Fort Moncrief, however this was claimed by the sea in 1873. I have also managed to find an aerial view of Martello tower 19 dating back to 1947, found on this website: []

I don't know if this is useful or not, I found it very interesting though :)


Christine - website owner Wednesday, 14 January 2015 22:42
Thank you Courtney, that is indeed very interesting. I have added your comments and your photo to the bottom of the Hythe page.
Thanks again. big grin

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