Folkestone Memories

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59) sharon webb  Female
United Kingdom
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Sunday, 1 February 2015 13:57

My Great Grand Uncle Arthur Edward Potten is listed as died on 5th oct 1940 he was a special police man on/off duty from at the time in air raids wonder if anyone knew anymore info

Paul Seward Tuesday, 10 February 2015 09:13
There were four visits to the town by the Luftwaffe on that day. A chance hit by a Dornier on a blockhouse being built on the Leas caused the instantaneous death of five workmen, probably employed on the task by Otto Marx, a well-known local builder. The blockhouse formed part of the defences of the Mill Point Battery, situated to the south of Clifton Crescent. A, very grainy, photograph of the aftermath appears in Frontline Folkestone, published by the Herald after the war.

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