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61) Jerrian Dafou 
IP logged Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/40.0.2214.115 Safari/537.36
Sunday, 8 March 2015 22:25

Hi there,

I find your site very interesting for anyone curious to learn about the history of Folkestone.

I have a query about a residential building : No 80 Bouverie Road West.

Amongst all the other buildings of the same street, this is the only one (re) built without the traditional bay windows.

The reason for that as stated by current owners is that the building was bombed in WWII

Could anyone give me some more information regarding the circumstances of this bombing? Date, scale of the damages, casualties and when was it re-built and why rebuilt without a bay window?

I would be grateful for any information supplied

Christine - website owner Sunday, 8 March 2015 22:26
I don't have any information on this Jerrian, but I am hoping someone here does, so keep checking back.

Paul Seward Wednesday, 11 March 2015 13:47
No bombs fell on that stretch of BRW according to the map published with Frontline Folkestone. Some years ago I purchased a piano from No. 84 and the vendor told me that the properties suffered from damp due to an ancient stream on that stretch. I fancy the property may have had a structural problem, necessitating the removal of the bays.

Christine - website owner Wednesday, 11 March 2015 23:47
Thank you Paul, very kind of you to research it for Jerrian.

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