Folkestone Memories

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70) Gareth Avard  Male
working in Saudi Arabia
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Thursday, 9 July 2015 07:31

Hi. What a fantastic site - many congratulations. Although we never lived in Folkestone (after my father retired from the army my parents bought a place near Deal)but we do have close connections. Dad ran a fishing charter boat out of the Inner harbor through the 80's and early 90's. The boat was "The Prince Albert" 37ft wood built (ex RN lifeboat-I think) with wheelhouse, which he bought from a man who ran hourly mackerel trips from the harbour. George (my dad)was well known among the other skippers, he was ex-REME and a wizard with engines. His brother Stan also ran a charter from his boat-Saga, although he gave it up before dad. "The Albert" was sold when dad was diagnosed with lung cancer and transported to Ireland. There are some photos somewhere of her being craned out of the harbour and onto a low loader. I'll dig them out next time I'm in the UK and mail them to you. I hunted your site for any photos of "Albert" - she was moored 3 arches down from the swingbridge- alas none I could find). George's ashes were scattered at sea, just off Sandgate (one of his favoured fishing sites, when he couldn't get out to the Varne which, given the winds and weather was often!!)
Once again, a great site. Kind Regards.Gary

Gareth Avard Thursday, 9 July 2015 07:48
Whoops. It was "The Albert" and not dad transported to Ireland. What a difference a comma makes. "Eats, shoots and leaves"!!! Love to hear from anyone with any memories. Gary
PS I was also a language teacher at Highcliffe House, Highclffe Gdns Folkestone for a couple of summers. The O'Cleas (?) were the owners.

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