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71) Ian Murton  Male
Needham Market , Suffolk
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Wednesday, 22 July 2015 08:03

some fabulous photos, I was born in Folkestone in 1950 and went to St Eanswythes and then Hillside, both Dover Road and Park road, the head master W A Parks was still head in the 1960's when I left to join the RAF. I left Folkestone when my father died in 1970, I have since returned a couple of times with John Bullard my old school mate and was a bit disappointed to see how the town had changed. still very happy childhood memories.

ian murton Wednesday, 22 July 2015 08:44
I forgot to add that my dad was born in Sydney street in 1911 and went to george Spurgeon school, my sister went to St Mary's school and my brother went to the grammar school. my mum worked in the Tatler Tea rooms in Church Street. Archies was the in place to be seen in the 1960's

Ian murton Wednesday, 14 October 2015 08:48
some more information on my family, i have since found out that my paternal grandmother Esther Hannah Murton was killed in her house 16 bridge Street on 03 July 1944 aged 63 by either a bomb or a doodle bug that went wrong.

Carolyn Sunday, 17 April 2016 20:50
I remember Archies - I think it's proper name was the Acropolis, but everyone called it Archies. The owner was always very grumpy, if I remember correctly. We all used to mosey on down there after Tofts Club - is that a place you went to as well?

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