History of Botolphs Bridge
Taken from the Botolph's Bridge Inn website
The Legend of Botolphs Bridge
(As related by Duncan Forbes in his book “Hythe Haven “pub 1981)
The English monk St Botolph lived in the seventh century, and many popular tales have been told about him, since there is very little known historical fact. His monastery is thought to have been in Boston, Lincolnshire, which has derived its name from “Botolph’s Town”. But our legend about the saint concerns his dead body and Botolph’s Bridge.
Go to the bridge across the canal cut at West Hythe, which is not the same as the original bridge before that canal was constructed, and look at the Inn sign there, which illustrates the story. There is a boat, with a coffin, like an ark, being carried on to it by two tonsured monks. Two more monks are following them from the bank, and a shaft of light is seen shining down on them all out of a dark sky.
The legend is that the body of St Botolph was being borne to some place where it would be kept safe from desecration by the heathen Danes. There was water to cross, and the night was pitching black. Then suddenly a shaft of light, which was not the moon, shone down from heaven to guide the escort as they went abroad. But where the body now lies, no one knows.
The bridge by the Inn spans a stretch of water that is now a branch of the Royal Military canal, draining into the sea through the sluice beside the Grand Redoubt built during the Napoleonic wars. But in the past it carried travellers to the shore across one of the many creeks of the marsh. It was called Boter’s, Butter’s or Butler’s Bridge on the old maps, whether Butler is derived from Botolph, or whether there really is a man in charge of the drinks there, as there is today, or whether, as is more likely, the name comes from that of a well-known local family, I do not know .
What I do know is that, with the sheep meadows around you, the placid water nearby, the Roman ruins, looking like old, decayed teeth sprouting out the hillside, and the more modern castle with its Second World War reinforced concrete watchtower on the skyline, there is no more pleasant place to stop and take a glass.